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Outstanding claims of France on foreign States as of December 31, 2022

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These are outstanding debts held either by the State directly, or by the French Development Agency, or by BPI Assurance Export[1] and Natixis on behalf of the State. Included in the outstanding amounts presented are all debts for which the debtor[2] is either sovereign or belongs to the public sector of a foreign state. This is therefore a larger amount than that held in the sovereign sector (State and debtors guaranteed by it).

This table distinguishes between receivables that fall under Public Development Assistance (ODA) and those of a commercial nature. It should be noted that France’s ODA effort is not limited to these outstanding debts, which in particular do not include financial contributions in the form of donations.

In total, France’s outstanding claims on foreign states amount to around 54.2 billion euros at the end of 2022.

This outstanding amount also includes France’s contribution to the exceptional aid program granted to Greece in May 2010, co-financed by the European Union and the IMF.

Warning :

This information is provided for purely indicative purposes by the General Directorate of the Treasury. The data is regularly updated by the services of the General Directorate of the Treasury. However, the General Directorate of the Treasury cannot be held responsible for the use and interpretation of the information available on this site.

In particular, some of these outstanding amounts have not been reconciled with the borrowing countries.

In addition, these outstanding amounts do not mention the late payment interest owed to France by countries in partial or total payment default. The absence of publication of outstanding late payment interest does not call into question their legal existence and has no impact on their liability.

Finally, certain amounts officially canceled by France may still appear in this table for technical reasons (deadlines for signing implementation agreements).

[1] Formerly COFACE

[2] By debtor we should understand the initial contracting party (borrower or buyer) or the guarantor.


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