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“I speak with him almost every day”, Nathalie Marquay claims to receive signs from her late husband

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On the set of the PAF show, Nathalie Marquay revealed a disturbing anecdote about the signs she would receive from Jean-Pierre Pernaut.

On March 2, 2022, Jean-Pierre Pernaut left us, leaving behind his wife Nathalie Marquay, who even today, cannot really grieve. On September 18, the former Miss France was the guest of the show PAF, broadcast on C8. She made some very strange revelations about the signs she would receive from her late husband.

Nathalie Marquay receives signs from Jean-Pierre Pernaut

Still very affected by the loss of her husband, Nathalie Marquay regularly speaks about him on television sets. This time, she assured that she received signs from Jean-Pierre Pernaut. “You’ll think I’m crazy, but I talk to him almost every day. I have a lot of signs”she said.

She then told a specific anecdote. “At night, at 4 a.m., I wake up with the TV on by itself. What’s funny is that it lights up on LCI”, explained Nathalie Marquay. As a reminder, he presented the weekly show Jean-Pierre and you on this channel. Usually very « down to earth », she thought she had “unfortunately lying on the remote control”.

jean-pierre pernaut nathalie marquay

Photo credit: Instagram @nathalie_marquay_pernaut

After turning off the television, it came on again. “There, I burst out laughing. I say: ‘Jean-Pierre, it’s 4 a.m.’, I’m tired, tomorrow morning I have to work, I have to sleep’. And then it lit up. », she added. To prove that she was telling the truth, she took precautions: “I even filmed it!” I put both phones on, and without me touching the remote controls, we see that the TV comes back on”. Pascale de La Tour Du Pin, presenter of the show, then asked her if she received these kinds of signs every day. “I have a lot but when he doesn’t send me any, I get mad at him”replied the widow of Jean-Pierre Pernaut.

Is Nathalie Marquay ready to start her life over?

Nathalie Marquay is regularly questioned about her love life. The journalist Damien Canivez did not fail to ask her the question: “Nathalie, you are someone young. Are you considering starting a new life, why not with someone else? « . Surprised, the former Miss France was quick to respond: “So honestly, people keep asking me this question, it’s still crazy! No, I’m really not ready. Someone would really have to send that one to me from heaven, I don’t know…”

“It takes time to grieve, when you have loved someone… How long did you live together? »then asked Pascale from La Tour Du Pin. » 21 years old «, replied Nathalie Marquay. After meeting during the Miss France 2002 election, they said “yes” to each other in June 2007. “I don’t even want to. For me he is still my husband, he is still close to me, I can’t. We never say ‘never’ but frankly, I really don’t want to”, she confided. Today, she has many other priorities. “What matters is my career, my children, my friends, my family”concluded the widow of Jean-Pierre Pernaut.

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