, pub-9809009992858082, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Assystem Is the long-term upward trend threatened?

[ad_1], pub-9809009992858082, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Analysis published on Friday September 22, 2023

Assystem (ASY) has had a nice run since the low points of March 2020, despite a serious boost last year. But now, prices are once again on the oblique line which is currently maintaining its long-term upward trend. To make matters worse, they have moved dangerously further away from the decline in moving average at 200 days (MM200 daily). Perhaps a sign that the big hands are lightening their positions.

Assuming that this holds up thanks to a simultaneous throwback on €40-41 and the ascending line, ASY could successively reach the €42-43 zone or even €44-45, not far from the 200-day MA. . Which would coincide with an improvement in technical indicators in daily units. Conversely, we would neutralize the entire upward trend with the threat of seeing prices fall towards €38


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