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MaPrimeRénov ‘: 650 owners claim their legal aid

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My Renovation Bonus in vain to seduce more and more owners, its setbacks accumulate. Yesterday, it was the Defender of Rights who had pinpointed this bonus intended for the energy renovation of housing. It was a question of several hundred complaints identified since the launch of this aid, in 2021, which benefits 1.7 million households but only half of which have been settled (work carried out, premium paid). Today, disgruntled owners of this device considered poorly calibratedtake action.

Several hundred of them, who rallied around the slogan « SOS Ma Prime Rénov' », decided to take legal action against the National Housing Agency (Anah), which is piloting the scheme. «The objective is to resolve the dramatic situations caused by processing times and unjustified rejections suffered by both individuals and professionals in the sector.“, explains Maître Joyce Pitcher, the lawyer who defends these individuals with Me Louis Le Foyer de Costil. As of April 19, 650 actions have been triggered via the online platform, launched in December 2022.

Originally, files blocked or even premiums removed after being validated for reasons described as «unjustifiedby aggrieved owners. And the shortfall generally amounts to several thousand euros. This is the case of Éric who lives in Sarthe (72) and was planning to install an air-water heat pump in place of his oil-fired boiler. «On September 14, 2021, I received an agreement for aid of 2440 euros. I start the necessary work and on January 10, the Anah informs me that a compliance check will be carried out“, he confides to the Figaro. Five months later, aid was refused on the grounds that he would not have installed an air/water heat pump as planned but a «double flux ventilation« . A qualification that the owner denies.

battle of numbers

The plaintiffs’ lawyers, who claim to have contacted 3 actors involved in the management of Ma Prime Rénov’, denounce «Anah’s computer malfunctions» or even a «strong disorganization« . According to the figures they collected, 22% of the 15,000 files screened (34% of the total amount of premiums), «are blocked without real justification« . On the deadline side, the premiums are paid on average after 7 months, according to the plaintiffs’ lawyers. We are far from the 2 to 3 weeks promised by the government.

Contacted by Le Figaro, the Minister of Housing denies. «These figures in no way reflect the efforts made by Anah. The average time for payment of the Ma Prime Rénov’ aid is 5 weeks, less than 3 weeks if the file is complete and 3 months maximum, in the event of reinforced checks.“, retorts Olivier Klein who recognizes “dysfunctional but marginal« . To remedy this, the Minister recommends that individuals turn to France Rénov’ advisors to obtain «neutral and free advice». Since October 2022, the ministry has also emphasized that “while 900 files were reported to the Defender of Rights, more than 340,000 bonuses were paid» «A full team is dedicated to resolving every issue and resolves hundreds per week« .

On the professional side, some voices are also sounding the alarm. «A crisis is unfoldingsays Nicolas Moulin, founder of, one of the major players in energy renovation. Payment times are increasing. Premiums go down (insulation of a roof, walls or the installation of a high energy performance boiler). The aids are too complicated. The level of Anah advisers is very poor. Add to that an economic context which weighs down the purchasing power of the most modest in particular and which means that Ma Prime Rénov benefits more the wealthiest households..” If confirmed, this trend runs counter to the government’s objective when it launched Ma Prime Rénov’.


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