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Gilbert Collard lawyer, fortune, illness, children, Zemmour

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Gilbert Collard was a high-profile lawyer before entering politics. Retired for 2 years, he gave the amount of his pension.

Gilbert Collard is, without a shadow of a doubt, the most controversial and popular lawyer in France. Highly publicized, he defended numerous personalities such as Laurent Gbagbo, Charles Pasqua, Marine Le Pen or even Miss France 2009 Valérie Bègue and the cyclist Richard Virenque. After having been a deputy for Gard and a municipal councilor for Saint-Gilles, he became a European deputy in 2019. Having become closer to Eric Zemmour, he showed him his support during the 2022 presidential campaign.

Retired for two years, Gilbert Collard, 75, takes advantage of his free time to indulge in various activities. He has just released a book, Protest published by Hugo Doc. During a appearance on the show At Jordan’sGilbert Collard gave the amount of his retirement.

Gilbert Collard reveals the amount of his astronomical retirement

“I retired two years ago. Today, I have €8,000 from the European Parliament, which is great. And I have a pension of €3,300. I think it’s magnificent”, he explained, without tongue in cheek. In total, the former lawyer therefore receives a pension of 12,300 euros each month.

Faced with this sum, Jordan de Luxe, who has the habit of question your guests about their money, couldn’t help but make a remark. “You have exactly the same retirement as Jean-Marie Le Pen, he said to Gilbert Collard. And the latter reacts: “Oh no, he must have more!” » “He told me he received 12,000 euros”adds the young host. “He told you a lie”Gilbert Collard then responds, before declaring that he was wrong.

Where does Gilbert Collard live?

Gilbert Collard shares his life with Doctor Anne-Marie Autard, his wife of almost 30 years. They have two daughters, one of whom, Flavie Collard, is a regional councilor for Occitanie. Born in Marseille, Gilbert Collard lives in Gard, where he owns a large house in the town of Gallician, as indicated a meeting has Paris Match dating from 2012. Gilbert Collard also has a pied-à-terre in Brittany with a view of the sea according to Point.

Threatened with death on several occasions and victim of two hostage situations during his career as a lawyer, Gilbert Collard does not speak about his private life and his vacation spots for security reasons.

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