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TUC and SIVP retirement reform

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Retirees who have had TUC and SIVP throughout their life do not feel betrayed. Despite the pension reform, assimilated quarters do not count for long careers.

We told you about it a few weeks ago. The pension reform has repaired an injustice concerning people who had TUC contracts in their youth (community utility work) and SIVP (introductory courses for professional life in a company), which did not give the right to retirement. But this error has “repaired with the allocation of quarters”, recalled Matignon.

Are TUC taken into account for retirement?

But in reality, millions of policyholders are still waiting for their situation to be resolved. Because if the assimilated quarters count in the calculation of the insurance duration, they do not count for long careers. These four equivalent quarters granted for periods worked before age 18, 19, 20 or 21 are not taken into account in the calculation”, explain The Parisian.

Liberté financière

Photo credit: beeboys / Shutterstock

“Cheap labor”: old TUC contracts demand justice

The retirees affected by the TUC and SIVP have therefore chosen to make their voices heard and come together. They created a Facebook group, called “TUC, the forgotten people of retirement”, as well as an association in 2020, which has 3,664 members according to our colleagues. The organization is considering taking the matter to court. “The government stopped in the middle of the ford. We study the strategy. If we do not obtain satisfaction from public authorities, we will refer the matter to the Council of State”declared Me Jérôme Rousseau.

“We have been providing alternative employment, and this is how we are thanked. We were cheap labor”testifies Yves, 63 years old, treasurer of the association who signed a TUC contract in his youth. “I can’t leave two years before the legal age. For this it would have been necessary for my two years of TUC to have been contributed. It’s hellish”deplores Franck, general secretary of the association.

“We responded to the first request. If we access the second, that of the contributory quarters, the same would have to be done for all vocational training trainees. This would pose a problem of financial sustainability. We will have to find a way out, perhaps by facilitating the redemption of quarters at an affordable price »recognizes MP Paul Christophe (Horizons) and member of the Social Affairs Committee.

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