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these 10 clues that trigger a tax audit

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Tax officials have more and more ways in their arsenal to track down fraudsters. Adobe Stock.

DECRYPTION – Experts reveal to us the points scrutinized by the sleuths of Bercy. Tax officials are not letting up the pressure: bringing money into the state coffers is more than ever a priority.

The state collected more than 10.6 billion euros thanks to tax audits last year. This is an amount close to the record reached in 2019 before the Covid-19 pandemic. «These historical results can be explained in particular by the strengthening of the national targeting of tax audits through the analysis of data“, welcomed the Ministry of Economy and Finance in a press release published on February 23. Olivier Rozenfeld, President of the Fidroit Group and Arnaud Tailfer, tax lawyer at Arkwood, reveal to us the sensitive points which most frequently trigger requests for information from the tax administration, or even checks and possible tax adjustments accompanied by sometimes hefty penalties.

1 – Undeclared family loans

Beware of loans between spouses, in favor of a child, or even, for example, between brothers and sisters. In the presence of a loan greater than 5,000 euros that has not been registered with the tax authorities, the administration tends to consider that the sums made available constitute a form of disguised donation. “Often, repayment of the loan is planned by the interested parties, specifies Maître Arnaud Tailfer, lawyer at Arkwood. But it is often to very long deadline… When…

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