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Julie Andrieu reveals her recipe for this crispy and easy-to-make dessert

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While the plum season lasts until October, Julie Andrieu unveiled her tasty crumble recipe.

Childishly simple to make, the crumble was created in the United Kingdom during the Second World War. Requiring only a few ingredients for its dough, it was then quite easy to obtain them, despite the rationing of food. Subsequently, this dessert has established itself in our cookbooks. Often made with fruit, such as apples or red fruits, it is sometimes found in more gourmet versions, with chocolate chips for example. Over the years, the crumble has also become a savory dish, which is made with zucchini and parmesan. To end the meal in style, Julie Andrieu has unveiled its plum crumble recipe.

Julie Andrieu’s plum crumble recipe

Ingredients for 6 to 8 people:

  • 1.4 kg very ripe plums
  • 160g brown sugar + 2 tbsp
  • 100g semi-salted butter
  • 110g flour
  • 40 g wholemeal flour
  • 50g ground almonds
  • 50 g walnut kernels
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)

Preparation steps:

  1. Take the butter out of the fridge and cut it into pieces. Cut the walnut kernels in half.
  2. Mix with your fingertips the 160 g of brown sugar, the butter, the flours and the almond powder to obtain a shortbread dough. Add the walnut kernels. Chill while preparing the fruit.
  3. Pit the plums and mix them with a tablespoon of brown sugar. Butter a medium sized mold or individual ramekins and spread the plums in it, press down well.
  4. Preheat the oven to 200°C (th. 7).
  5. Spread the batter into large lumps – it’s better! – on the surface of the plums. Sprinkle generously with brown sugar and cinnamon if desired, then place in the oven on medium-high and cook for 40 minutes – or 30 minutes if you have chosen the ramekins. Enjoy warm with a scoop of ice cream.

In addition, the chef recommends replacing some of the plums with peaches, nectarines, or other fruits, for more flavor.

How do I keep the crumble crispy?

So that it does not lose its interest by its texture, and therefore the dough is softened, it is advisable to put the crumble in the refrigerator, covering it well with baking paper. This helps protect it from moisture. Before tasting, you can also grill it in the oven. In addition, this dessert is much better hot!

Can this dessert be frozen?

Know that it is quite possible to freeze your crumble, whether it is raw or cooked. In any case, it can be kept for 2 to 4 months in the freezer. To thaw it, it is best to place it in the refrigerator the day before and let time do its work. You can then put it back in the oven for a bit to regain its crispness.

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