Julie Andrieu innovates with this fresh starter very easy to make
Harvested between July and September, this fruit vegetable is a must in the kitchen. Here is the chef’s zucchini salad.
Often used as a vegetable, zucchini is actually a fruit from the plant that bears the same name. Generally, it is planted between May and July, and it is hoped to harvest it from July to September. We cook it a lot in summer, in all its forms, whether stuffed, in a gratin or even in soup. It is also part of essential dishes, such as ratatouille and Provençal tian. It can also replace butter in certain sweet preparations. Most often, it is eaten cooked, but it can also be eaten raw, as with the zucchini salad of Julie Andrieu published on the website of Madame Figaro.
Zucchini salad from Julie Andrieu
The ingredients for 4 people :
- 30 g of white grapes
- 1 batavia
- 4 g round zucchini
- 100 g of pecorino
- 3 sprigs of mint
- 2 tbsp crushed pistachios
- 2 tbsp lime juice
- 2 tbsp almond oil
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- salt pepper
Preparation steps:
- Whisk together the lime juice with a little grated zest, almond oil and olive oil. Pepper and salt.
- Cut the stem of the zucchini very firm and cut them into 1/2 cm wide strips, then each strip into sticks. Roll the lettuce leaves on themselves and slice them.
- Wash about thirty green grapes and cut them in half.
- Season the salad on one side and the zucchini mixed with the chopped mint on the other.
- Divide the salad among the plates, add the zucchini, crushed pistachios, grapes and pecorino in large shavings.
- Season with pepper and serve immediately.
Enjoy your food !
How to store zucchini?
If you have grown zucchini in your vegetable garden, know that it is best to keep them in a cellar, or in any case, in a place where the temperature is cool and constant, and the humidity is regulated. The best way to keep them longer? Store them in separate crates. If this is not possible, they can also be put under vacuum, which doubles their storage time. In any case, if they are placed in the refrigerator, their average life is one week.
If you prefer to put them in the freezer, they will keep between 6 months and 1 year. The best thing is to have them cut into cubes or rounds beforehand – and this also saves space. If they have been cooked, they will keep for between 3 and 6 months.
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