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How to invest your money between 60 and 70 years old?

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Between the ages of 60 and 70, no one wants to see their savings go up in smoke. Also, exit speculation, crypto-currencies and exotic investments. Nevertheless, it is important not to lose purchasing power since inflation persists. Is there a solution to this squaring of the circle, namely reconciling the performance of one’s savings with very limited risks? An investment meets this objective perfectly. It was even chosen by more than a million French people. Discover the SCPI or Civil Real Estate Investment Company.

Why are the savings choices of people over 60 limited?

Our compatriots whose age is between 60 and 70 are either already retired or close to retirement. They know that their standard of living has, or will decrease, and they wonder how to limit this decline.

They are aware that they must mobilize their savings but, very often, they are badly advised. As proof, the livret A yields only 3% per year, while the performance of life insurance contracts in euro funds is even lower with an average return of around 2% in 2022. It is not with such returns that it will be possible to increase its purchasing power.

As stated Anne Cocagneone of the consultants of The Central SCPI (, the first French digital savings network:

“People between the ages of 60 and 70 have stuck with outdated and unprofitable investment choices. It’s time they learned how to better manage their savings. Those who contact us at achieve this without difficulty thanks to our advice on buying shares in real estate investment companies (SCPI). »

Is the SCPI investment the best choice for people aged 60 to 70?

THE SCPI investment is a real estate savings product allowing you to receive periodic annuities. These annuities, paid monthly or quarterly, are called dividends. The best yielding SCPIs have an annual net performance of around 7%.

Performance SCPIs are managed by the management company that created them. This is good because, from the age of 60, you generally no longer want to be annoyed by your tenants.

With such a performance and with the absence of management constraints, more and more investors over the age of 60 are selling their rental apartments and pocketing their capital gains to put the money back into SCPIs.

The SCPI investment also allows significant diversification of its assets, both by type of asset (offices, retail premises, logistics real estate, health and education real estate, hotel real estate, tourist real estate, etc.) and by geographical area ( France, Europe).

Good to know : European SCPIs are not subject to social security contributions at the rate of 17.2%. This lower taxation is very interesting.

How much money do you need to invest to invest in performance SCPIs?

SCPI placement is very democratic. A few thousand euros are enough to build up your SCPI portfolio. He must mix several of these savings products in order to strengthen the diversification of his assets.

Expert advice : Thanks to the best performance SCPIs, placing 30,000 euros allows you to receive around 150 euros in net dividends per month. Dividends are, of course, proportional to the capital invested.

Are SCPI shares transferable to his heirs?

Due to the low price of their shares, yield SCPIs escape the problems of joint ownership, unlike the possession of a rental apartment. This is a fundamental point to take into consideration in the management of one’s assets.

Thus, an SCPI portfolio composed of 50 shares of SCPI A and 100 shares of SCPI B will be equally divided between 25 shares of SCPI A and 50 of SCPI B if the deceased has two children.

How to buy SCPI shares without any worries?

Making the right choice of performance SCPI units can be worrying. Which SCPI to choose since there are more than 200? The constitution of its SCPI portfolio requiring hundreds of SCPI simulations, it is easy to make a mistake.

As the banks only offer their own performance SCPIs, the question of their independence certainly arises. It is therefore preferable to seek advice from consultants on platforms specializing in SCPI investment.

These SCPI platforms offer their clients all the SCPIs on the market, completely independently and at no additional cost. What more ?

“The average portfolio of our clients aged 60 to 70 is around 100,000 euros. Thanks to the best performance SCPIs, they receive more than 500 euros net per month. It is a very good additional income. I will show you a telling example of an efficient SCPI portfolio” reports Thibault le Coailmanager within The Central SCPI.

What yield SCPIs does the aforementioned SCPI portfolio of 100,000 euros consist of?

This SCPI portfolio is made up of four SCPIs: a diversified European SCPI, a thematic SCPI, a diversified France SCPI and a European retail SCPI.

The diversified European SCPI is the Heart of Europe SCPI, managed by Sogenial Gestion. The thematic SCPI is a health SCPI, the SCPI Pierval Health, managed by Euryale Asset Management. The diversified SCPI France is the SCPI Vendome Regions, managed by Norma Capital. Finally, the European SCPI commercial walls, is the SCPI Novapierre Germany 2managed by Paref Gestion.

Between the ages of 60 and 70, it is no longer time to be mistaken for invest your money. Not all of a lifetime’s savings should go up in smoke as a result of an investment gone wrong. This is why the SCPI investment, by virtue of its intrinsic qualities combining performance and risk limitation, must be preferred.

In order to know how to invest your money in performance SCPIs, do not hesitate to seek advice from SCPI specialists, such as those of The Central SCPI ( /, the SCPI platform best rated by its customers.

Not having enough income for retirement is particularly frustrating. The SCPI investment offers additional income with a yield of around 7% for the best yielding SCPIs. Also, why deprive yourself of it? It would thus be easy to help his relatives, especially his grandchildren.


Investment in an SCPI is not guaranteed, both from the point of view of the dividends received and that of the preservation of capital. SCPIs depend on fluctuations in the real estate markets.

Before any decision to purchase SCPI shares, get advice from a professional to be certain that this investment corresponds to your asset profile.

Finally, like any real estate investment, take into account the fact that SCPIs are long-term investments whose minimum holding period cannot be less than eight years.

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