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Here is the best chardonnay white wine, according to 60 million consumers (it costs less than 6 euros!)

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In its new issue, 60 million consumers analyzed 30 bottles of white wine made from the Chardonnay grape variety.

Of all the white grape varieties, Chardonnay is one of the best known. Originally, it comes from Bourgone, then spread to other French regions before being cultivated in other countries, as far as New Zealand! However, France remains the leading producing country in the world, since this grape variety is grown on 43,000 hectares – out of 173,000 in the world. In its September issue, 60 million consumers conducted a large study on 30 bottles of white wine, to determine which is the best.

A large study on 30 bottles of chardonnay

To carry out this great study, 60 million consumers saw things big. Indeed, the experts analyzed wines from Argentina, the United States, Australia, Sicily and Spain, and those from different French territories, such as Jura, Savoie, Beaujolais, Cévennes , the Côtes de Gascogne, Burgundy and Languedoc. « Consumers will thus have every opportunity to appreciate the impact of the terroir on the wines, since these are all made from the same grape variety, with one exception: the Italian sample includes 20% grillo, a autochthonous Sicilian white grape variety »says the magazine.

To carry out this study, 60 million consumers called on wine merchants, sommeliers and even wine consultants. These experts tasted the wines blind. “The score is the result of a weighted and rounded average: a bonus or a penalty has been applied to the average of the scores obtained, depending on whether the sample was the most or the least appreciated by the jurors”details the insert.

What is the best bottle according to 60 million consumers ?

After many tastings, it is finally a bottle of white wine from the Pays d’Oc that stands out with a score of 16.5/20. This is the Chardonnay Sentinelle 2022, produced by Domaine Puech, sold for €5.85. Experts describe it as « harmonious »and ideal to accompany a gratin of seafood. They brag about it « shiny dress » And “its golden reflections”her “quite intense nose, white flowers, honey, roasted almond, mineral”as well as its “ample, round, fleshy on the palate, homogeneous with the nose, power and length”.

« Chardonnays from the Pays d’Oc offer the best value for money »asserts 60 million consumers. Indeed, these wines obtain 70% of good results. “If we compare the rating with the prices of the bottles, the Languedoc comes out as the great champion of this tasting. The region has the lowest average price: €6.66”says the magazine.

However, other bottles are not left out. For example, the Savoie Chardonnay produced by the Vieilles Vignes Pascal & Benjamin Ravier estate obtains a score of 15.5/20 and is sold for €6.95. With the same note, the Chardonnay Koonunga Hill 2020 Penfolds, from Australia, is among the favorites of the experts, and costs €10.99. Finally, the last wine to stand out, Chablis de La Cave d’Augustin Florent 2021, sold for €13.20.

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