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favorite monument of the French 2023

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Viewers voted for their favorite monument. Here’s who won the 2023 edition of Stéphane Bern’s show, « The French Favorite Monument ».

Stéphane Bern himself confided, he presents a lot (too many?) of shows ! The great history lover presents Historically yours on Europe 1 and The favorite monument of the French on France 3. For this program, viewers are invited to vote for their favorite monument from a selection of 14 sites. This year, they had to choose from this list:

Notre-Dame de Fourvière in Lyon (Rhône), the abbey of Cluny (Saône-et-Loire), the citadel of Port-Louis (Morbihan), the castle of Blois (Loir-et-Cher), the citadel of Ajaccio (Corsica), the Château de Sedan (Ardennes), the Fort Saint-Louis (Martinique), the Domaine de Chaalis (Oise), the Bibliothèque de France (Paris), the Haras du Pin (Orne), the lighthouse of the Coubre (Charente-Maritime), the national square in Montauban (Tarn-et-Garonne), the Trois-Mâts Belem (Loire-Atlantique) and the arenas of Vaison-la-Romaine (Vaucluse).

What is the French’s favorite monument?

The favorite monument of the French in 2023 is the Château de Sedan. Located in the Ardennes, it is the largest castle in Europe, which earned it its nickname “Giant of the Ardennes”. After the announcement of the results, Stéphane Bern congratulated the mayor of the city and presented him with the “French favorite monument” plaque.

In 2022, two monuments were elected “French favorite monuments”. These are the Cherbourg transatlantic station and the Le Redoutable submarine located in Normandy.

Stéphane Bern, president of the Heritage Mission for years, is very committed to its fight. During his recent passage on the airwaves of Europe 1, he raised listeners’ awareness of the protection of French heritage. “We always think of big castles, but small heritage is everywhere in France. When you live in a village and you see your heritage lying dormant, you have the feeling that the State has abandoned you, even though we are all collectively responsible for this heritage. »he recalled.

Where is Stéphane Bern’s castle?

When he is not on TV sets, Stéphane Bern takes care of his castle, located in Eure-et-Loir. The host is in the middle of restoring the Royal College of Thiron-Gardais, classified as a Historic Monument since 2013 and recently opened to the public. “What especially attracted me was the idea of ​​making it a museum, open to the public. To be able to transmitexplained the fifty-year-old to Parisian.

“I bought it, in very poor condition, for the price of a small Parisian apartment: 300,000 euros. At the beginning, people told me: With 150,000 or 200,000 euros, you can restore it. But there were plenty of problems, like dry rot, which were not anticipated. Result: I got into debt beyond my capacity: four million euros to be repaid over 25 years. I refused all public assistance. All my money goes there, my royalties, the money from the broadcasts. Here, it’s a bit like the Danaïdes barrel”told the history buff.

To get by, Stéphane Bern had to sell his apartment in the 9th arrondissement of Paris. Before selling his house in Paros, Greece. “I put a lot on my back. I need to rationalize my assets. I don’t want to leave behind any debts. ».

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