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Disappearance Emile: parents, suspect…

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Still no trace of Emile Soleil, 2 and a half years, two weeks after his disappearance. Here is where the investigation is.

It’s been two weeks since Emile Soleil, a 2.5-year-old boy, vanished into the wild while playing in his grandparents’ garden in Haut-Vernet (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence). The child has still not been found and has not given any sign of life. No clues were discovered, despite all the efforts made by the investigators, during these two weeks of intense research.

Hope remains intact in the hearts of little Emile’s parents and the police do not give up. Nearly 97 hectares of land have been excavated, the 3000 people living in the hamlet have been questioned, their vehicles and homes have been combed through… “We only have one fear here, which is that the little one will be found in the fall when the farmers are feeding the animals. Sometimes we find deer. The little one could have ended up in the tall grass and passed through an agricultural machine. It would be awful”To entrusts a resident of The Dispatch.

To rule out this hypothesis, the gendarmerie scrutinized all the straw bales of Haut-Vernet using an ultra-powerful metal detector, used by the army. But this track unfortunately nothing came of it. What happened to little Emile?

Where is the case of little Emile?

In view of the elements collected so far in the case of the disappearance of little Emile, Rémy Avon, public prosecutor of Digne-les-Bains, recalled last week that“no thesis is privileged, no thesis is excluded”. A few days ago, a judicial inquiry was opened and the file is now in the hands of the Aix-en-Provence investigation center,

According to The Independent, another track caught the attention of the investigators. Indeed, as the reports BFMTV, a rumor circulates in the village of Haut-Vernet following the suspicious behavior of a farmer’s son. The young man would have, according to testimonies collected by the news channel, « the habit of driving at high speed with a tractor in the streets of the village ». It was enough to raise some suspicions.

“At Vernet, this makes him an ideal culprit”, admits a villager. The investigators have succeeded in proving that the young man was not present at the time of the disappearance of little Emile. But the rumor still runs. “In a small village, rumor can be terrible. You have to know how to let go”recalled a policeman.

Who are Emile’s parents?

Emile’s parents have been talked about a lot, following the announcement of the disappearance of their child. More specifically, it is the past of the boy’s father, Colomban Sun, which resurfaced. Colomban Soleil, 26, is an engineer by training. Born in the Yvelines, he is a former member of Action française and ex-soldier of the small group Bastion social Marseille, a far-right association dissolved in 2019.

According SouthInfoColomban Sun « had been called to appear before the Aix-en-Provence criminal court in 2018, for an alleged attack on people of foreign origin », before being released. Also, Emile’s father appeared on an electoral list in support for Eric Zemmourin 2021.

Also, many inhabitants of Haut-Vernet have pointed the finger at the behavior of certain members of the family, during the hunts to find little Emile. “The father smoked a pipe, it was as if we were not looking for a living child”, remembered a certain Michel. Other residents considered the family members to be “too calm, too in control of their emotions”we read in the columns of Paris Match.

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