Cyril Lignac shares his recipe for the famous cold soup, seen in All in the kitchen
In the program Tous en cuisine, Cyril Lignac revealed his recipe for gazpacho. It mixes tomatoes and an amazing fruit.
This summer, Cyril Lignac made his comeback in theemission Everyone in the kitchen, in a special summer version. This is obviously the opportunity for the famous chef to share his seasonal recipes, which are quite simple to make, with M6 viewers. On television, he unveiled that of gazpacho, which contains original ingredients to impress your guests.
Where does gazpacho come from?
An essential soup in Mediterranean cuisine, gazpacho is widely consumed in Spain and southern Portugal. It is often made with very ripe and raw tomatoes, which makes it an excellent idea for an anti-waste starter. Apparently, it is also a very healthy dish, since it is made from raw vegetables and contains more vitamins than a soup where vegetables have been cooked.
Cyril Lignac’s gazpacho recipe
The ingredients for 4 people :
- 6 large ripe beefsteak tomatoes
- 8 ripe apricots
- ½ cucumber
- 1 peeled red onion
- 5 cl + 2 cl of olive oil
- Twenty white almonds
- Fleur de sel and Espelette pepper
- A few leaves of fresh verbena
- A few ice cubes
Preparation steps:
- Cut the cap of 4 tomatoes and make a cross with a knife on top, remove the peduncle and set aside. Using a spoon, remove the flesh from the center of the tomatoes without making a hole in the bottom. Pour the flesh into a strainer, press to remove the juice and reserve the flesh and the juice separately.
- In a saucepan of boiling water, immerse the other 2 tomatoes for 2 minutes in order to peel them (this is a technique for removing their skin by thermal shock).
- After cooking, immerse them in a bowl of cold water with ice cubes and easily remove the skin. Cut the cooked tomatoes in half widthwise and seed them, then cut into cubes and place them in the bowl of a blender.
- Add the apricots and the half-cucumber also cut into cubes, the tomato juice, the chopped onion, the verbena leaves, the olive oil and a few ice cubes. Mix everything then season with fleur de sel and Espelette pepper.
- In deep plates, place the hollowed out tomatoes, pour the gazpacho, add a few drops of olive oil and the white almonds. Decorate with verbena leaves.
Enjoy your food !
How to store gazpacho?
To take advantage of all the virtues of gazpacho, it is best to consume it as soon as possible, even if it can be kept for up to a week in the refrigerator. If you’re worried that you won’t eat it all right away, you can also freeze it in an airtight container. It can then stay like this for 3 to 6 months. To thaw it, it is best to put it in the refrigerator the day before and wait. If you wish, you can also put it back in the blender once defrosting is complete.
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