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Chronic constipation: symptoms, medication, what to do


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Chronic constipation affects 33% of people over 60. Fruits, vegetables, water, laxatives… what should be swallowed to be able to treat it quickly?

Constipation affects women more than men. This disorder is directly linked to our diet and our lifestyle, but can also be caused by taking certain medications and by stress. To overcome constipation, whether chronic or simply transient, you must adopt a healthy lifestyle and eat a diet rich in fiber.

For this, turn to fruits and vegetables, as well as cereals and Drink a lot of water. « Regular consumption of magnesium-rich waters (Hydroxidase, Hepar, Rozana) has a significant laxative effect on constipation », explain at Doctissimo, Dr. Magali Cros-Roig, dietician-nutritionist.

How to cure constipation quickly?

Constipation can be treated easily by taking laxative drugs available without a prescription (Dulcolax, Sorbitol, Forlax, paraffin oil, etc.). But if you want to avoid taking it, there are also more natural solutions. Thus, a good diet rich in fiber can get rid of constipation in a few days. Because yes, we can find natural laxatives in nature !

Prunes, wheat bran, flax and chia seeds, whole grains, dairy products made from fermented milk like kefir, and high-fiber vegetables like white beans and spinach can help you cure constipation quickly and improve your transit. According to numbers of the French association for Continuing Medical Education in hepato-gastroenterology, 33.5% of people over 60 suffer from chronic constipation.

What is the best natural laxative?

The best laxative remains vegetables (green vegetables, soy, etc.) and fruits (fig, apricot, apple, pineapple, rhubarb) to be consumed in juice or compote. Focus on your diet, because it is the key to our health. In recent years, we have heard a lot about the FODMAP-free diet (Fermentable by colonic bacteria Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides And Polyols, in French: oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols fermentable by the intestinal flora) developed by Australian nutritionist Sue Shepherd.

FODMAPs are the processed foods and carbohydrates, so many foods that you have trouble digesting, and which cause pain and intestinal cramps. The principle of FODMAP-free diet is to no longer consume products rich in FODMAPs (such as cow’s milk, apples, peaches, etc.) by favoring poor foods (lactose-free dairy products, meat, vegetables rich in starch, etc.), for a certain period. Also remember to have regular bowel movements and take your time.

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